Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Importance of SEO to Medical Websites

It seems like you can't turn around these days without hearing someone raving about SEO, how important it is and how your website and/or online business are going to tank without it. As much as I hate to credit doomsayers with getting anything right, in this they're spot on. SEO is one of the most important elements of any successful Internet marketing campaign, and it's important for you to be familiar with it before you begin building your website.

If you're unfamiliar with the concept, SEO means search engine optimization. It's basically the process of setting up your website so that it waves a big, red flag in front of the search engine's eyes and says, "Hey! I'm here! Don't forget to list me at the top of your index, because I've got what web browsers really want!"

When you're dealing with SEO it all comes down to two things:
1) Keywords
2) Relevance

If you're working with the wrong keywords the search engine isn't going to know to send people to your site when they type in their search query. If your site isn't relevant to your keywords you're not going to have a very high search engine ranking, and you could actually find yourself Google slapped and taken out of their index for violating ethical marketing codes.

Since 99% of web browsers use a search engine of some kind every time they go on the web, this isn't traffic you want to lose just because your site wasn't properly optimized. Your patients are going to type in their questions, and if you don't have the right info the search engine isn't going to send them to you to answer! Take the time to do your homework and learn about SEO before going out on the web. Your patient list and profit margins will thank you.

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