Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Benefits of Detox

I was standing in the store the other day listening to the women behind debate the virtues of a new detox diet being advertised in one popular magazine or another and was horrified to hear one of them say that detoxing was a waste of time. Worse, she implied that a detox diet was just another way for popular magazines to make money by advertising the promise of a "quick fix" to a nation plagued by obesity. Now, I'll grant you, promising to help people lose weight fast is a great way to sell magazines, but if you're assuming that the only reason a detox diet exists is to help someone make money you're missing out on all of the benefits that detox has to offer.

Imagine what would happen if you only gave your home a perfunctory cleaning every week or two. Yes, what you can see would be clean, but what would the back of your cupboards look like? All of us know our houses need a good spring cleaning every now and again, but we neglect to give our bodies the same treatment. That's what a detox diet will do. Detoxing flushes the contaminants that build up over time in the liver, kidneys and other areas of the body that tend to collect waste, giving you the opportunity to start fresh.

Doesn't your body deserve that?

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