Friday, February 26, 2010

Sign up for the newsletter!

Don't forget that another really great way to gain knowledge in furthering your Chiropractic practice, is to sign up for my newsletter! It is chock full of great information that will help you in many aspects of your practice, as well as life outside of your practice.

This week, my topic was "How to Recharge Your Emotional and Physical Batteries, Banish Stress and Enjoy Your Practice More". I had a wonderful time with this weeks newsletter, and I hope that you will have gotten as much enjoyment from reading it as I did from writing it.

When you decide that the time is right for you to join the newsletter, simply go to and fill out the box on the left.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

5 Keys to Happiness

By Greg Soltis, LiveScience Staff

If you're not happy and you know it read along.

You've watched "Seinfeld" re-runs, splurged on yourself and downed pints of Ben and Jerry's. Nothing's helping. Maybe you're one of the 20 million Americans diagnosed with depression, you're bottoming out or you just want something to improve your day.

Here are five ways — some admittedly challenging — to help you get that much-needed mood boost:

1. Pick good parents
In Happy Land, genes trump environmental factors, according to the experts. And a study in the March issue of the journal Psychological Science scores another point for the gene team: Differences in DNA that could explain why some people tend to have an extra bounce in their step might also underlie the tendency to be more emotionally stable and socially and physically active.
Genes do not provide free passes from the doldrums, and other external factors will still try to mow you down. But, heredity could provide some people with a horde of happiness that they can draw from when the good times aren’t rolling.
And Canadian researchers' ability to genetically stifle depression in mice in 2006 indicates that human happiness could one day be improved by manipulating genes. This was the first time science throttled the throes of any organism. Mice bred to be void of the gene, called TREK-1, acted as if they had been downing anti-depressants for at least three weeks.

2. Give it away
It only takes $5 spent on others to make you happier on a given day, according to a 2008 study. And selfless acts can also help your marriage become a more enjoyable experience for you and your spouse.

After performing good deeds, people are happier and feel their life has more purpose. But is the act selfless if you expect something in return? Maybe it just depends on how you look at it.

3. Ponder this
Think of a happy place. And you, too, like Happy Gilmore, might sink that putt and earn back your grandmother's house — or overcome your own hurdle.
Humans are more resilient than we think and can endure trying times, as demonstrated in a 2005 study that tracked mood changes in dialysis patients. They were in a good mood most of the time despite having their blood cleaned three times a week for at least three months. But healthy patients envisioned a miserable life when asked to imagine adhering to this demanding schedule.
As Winston Churchill said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

4. Work out
Consistently breaking a sweat, along with medication and counseling can help people battling depression by sapping lonely and vulnerable feelings.
Exercise improves one's state of mind in part by affecting the body's levels of two chemicals: cortisol and endorphins. The adrenal glands of angry or scared people produce cortisol. This increases blood pressure and blood sugar, weakens the immune response and can lead to organ inflammation and damage. But working out burns cortisol, restoring the body's normal levels.
Running, biking or using an aerobic exercise machine also causes the brain to release endorphins — the body's natural pain relievers — into the bloodstream. The body foregoes the negative side effects of drugs while still experiencing a natural high. To gain the most from your workout, make sure its intensity reflects your stress level. And challenge your body to continually adapt by varying the exercise’s length and intensity.

5. Live long
If you have the right genes and are selfless, optimistic and active but still find yourself down in the dumps, just give it some time.
A study of 2 million people from 80 nations released in January found that depression is most common among adults in their mid-40s. Among Americans, the worst of times hit women around age 40 and men about age 50.
But with age humans are more inclined to filter out the negatives while focusing on what they enjoy.
Americans in their golden years tend to see the glass as half full, despite their increased doctor visits and chemo treatments. After battling cancer, heart disease, diabetes or other health-related obstacles, 500 independent Americans from age 60 to 98 rated their own degree of successful aging as 8.4 on average, with 10 being the highest in a 2005 study.
Happiness, it seems, takes time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is Social Media Marketing?

One of the great things about the internet, is the fact that it takes away the miles that lay between us. We can literally be in the same room with each other, (via video), at any time, night or day.

Say you would like to attend one of my seminars on Internet marketing for Chiropractors, but you live in Maine............ or even say, India............. and it's simply not possible for you to attend in person. You can check out my video seminars, and gain alot of knowledge. You will, of course, find a seminar to be much more intense.

Once you have decided that this is the way to go for you, and I'm convinced you will recognize this very quickly, do not hesitate to contact me so that we can get started on making your practice bigger and better than it ever has been!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Links to Spirituality Found in the Brain

By LiveScience Staff

Scientists have identified areas of the brain that, when damaged, lead to greater spirituality. The findings hint at the roots of spiritual and religious attitudes, the researchers say.

The study, published in the Feb. 11 issue of the journal Neuron, involves a personality trait called self-transcendence, which is a somewhat vague measure of spiritual feeling, thinking, and behaviors. Self-transcendence "reflects a decreased sense of self and an ability to identify one's self as an integral part of the universe as a whole," the researchers explain.

Before and after surgery, the scientists surveyed patients who had brain tumors removed. The surveys generate self-transcendence scores.

Selective damage to the left and right posterior parietal regions of the brain induced a specific increase in self-transcendence, or ST, the surveys showed.

"Our symptom-lesion mapping study is the first demonstration of a causative link between brain functioning and ST," said Dr. Cosimo Urgesi from the University of Udine in Italy. "Damage to posterior parietal areas induced unusually fast changes of a stable personality dimension related to transcendental self-referential awareness. Thus, dysfunctional parietal neural activity may underpin altered spiritual and religious attitudes and behaviors."

Previous neuroimaging studies had linked activity within a large network in the brain that connects the frontal, parietal, and temporal cortexes with spiritual experiences, "but information on the causative link between such a network and spirituality is lacking," explains lead study author, Urgesi said.

One study, reported in 2008, suggested that the brain's right parietal lobe defines "Me," and people with less active Me-Definers are more likely to lead spiritual lives.

The finding could lead to new strategies for treating some forms of mental illness.

"If a stable personality trait like ST can undergo fast changes as a consequence of brain lesions, it would indicate that at least some personality dimensions may be modified by influencing neural activity in specific areas," said Dr. Salvatore M. Aglioti from Sapienza University of Rome. "Perhaps novel approaches aimed at modulating neural activity might ultimately pave the way to new treatments of personality disorders."

Monday, February 22, 2010

Did you make it to the seminar?

If not, don't worry, you will have a few more opportunities to attend. The one coming up in March is going to be in Austin Tx. We have not decided where exactly, but you can still reserve your spot and take advantage of the early bird special pricing!

Social Media Training & Internet Marketing Techniques
$97 by March 24, 2010
$147 at the door on March 25, 2010
8:30am to 4:00pm
Austin, TX
(location to be determined)

CatchFire Seminars

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today is the DAY!

If you are planning on attending the seminar tomorrow, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, in Irving, TX at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel, then you should definitely sign up today, and save $50 on your tuition! It is never too late to start earning money, and simply by signing up one day early, you will have already added $50 to your pocket! No one can argue with that!

Social Media Training & Internet Marketing Techniques

8:30am to 4:00pm

February 20, 2010

Holiday Inn Express Hotel

W John Carpenter Fwy

Irving, TX

877) 786-9480 333

$97 by Feb. 19, 2010



$147 on Feb. 20, 2010 at the door.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Your DNA Isn’t Your Destiny

by Dr. Mercola

Epigenetics is probably the most important biological discovery since DNA. And it is turning the biological sciences upside down.

Now that we realize our fate is not sealed at the twining of our double helix, we avail ourselves to a whole new world of possibilities. There are things we can do to change our genetics, and therefore our health.

But beware -- these changes can be good or bad. It works both ways.

You can improve your genetics or you can damage it.

In fact, you ARE changing your genetics daily and perhaps even hourly from the foods you eat, the air you breathe, and even by the thoughts you think.

You are the "caretaker" of your genetic roadmap.

The problem is, once you understand that there’s something controlling your genes -- that they don’t control themselves but are controlled by epigenetic coding that tells them to be expressed or not expressed -- which is completely controlled by your environment and lifestyle -- it just blows everything out of the water!

For many years we were secure in our beliefs that, no matter what we did to damage ourselves in terms of poor lifestyle choices, it only affected us. Our children would be born with a genetic clean slate.

But now we are learning that this is not true, and epigenetic changes can be passed down for many generations. Each of us has far greater responsibility than we ever imagined!

In the words of Dawson Church, author of The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention:

"It’s not what we don’t know that hurts us--it’s what we think we know that isn’t true that hurts us."

Your Genetics Are Malleable -- Like Clay

Epigenetic "malleability" helps to explain why identical twins become distinct as they age.

Why does one identical twin develop cancer and the other remain healthy when they have identical DNA? Why does one twin become obese and another remain lean?

As you age, your genome does not change but your epigenome changes dramatically, especially during critical periods of life, such as adolescence. It is influenced by physical and emotional stresses -- how you respond to everything that happens in your environment, from climate change to childhood abuse.

The secret is in the methyl groups that overlie the DNA molecule, which is the realm of the epigenome.

When a gene is turned off epigenetically, the DNA has usually been "methylated." When methyl groups adhere to a segment of DNA, they inhibit the gene’s response. Methylation-gone-wrong is now suspected in autism, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

You do not manifest disease merely by a defective gene, but by your epigenome. In other words, whether or not you develop disease is determined by how your genome is being directed to express itself. There are also "master genes" that can switch on and off clusters of other genes.

Scientists have discovered it is easier to make epigenetic changes than to fix damaged genes. Your epigenome is easier to mess up -- but it’s also easier to fix.

That’s good news -- you aren’t doomed by bad genes!

Epigenetic therapy, which is essentially the curing of disease by epigenetic manipulation, involves changing the instructions to your cells -- reactivating desirable genes and deactivating undesirable ones. This emerging field, now in its infancy, may represent the future of medicine.

Mind Over Matter

Just as your epigenome controls the expression of disease -- your mind controls your epigenome.

Therefore, your mind controls your healing.

The science of epigenetics is now beginning to explain things like placebo effect and spontaneous healing, which lacked a scientific basis until now.

Epigenetics literally means "above the genes." And what is above the genes?

Your mind!

One of the scientists on the forefront of mind-body biology is Bruce Lipton. Thanks to Dr. Lipton and other leading voices, the power of your mind is finally gaining the attention it deserves.

Your mind has the power to create or cure disease because your thoughts affect the expression of your genes. Today’s "New Biology" is overlapping with consciousness science and quantum physics, and it’s showing us that we have masterful control over our own lives.

Energy Medicine and Genetics Converge

You are a being of energy, and as such, you have an electromagnetic component to every biological process. Every thought or feeling produces a complex shift in the biochemical make-up of your organs.

According to Blair Justice, PhD, author of Who Gets Sick, genes account for only 35 percent of longevity while diet, exercise, stress and other environmental factors are the major reasons people live longer.

Dawson Church cites the following impressive statistics in his book, The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention:

  • Heart surgery patients who have a strong social support network and spiritual practice have a mortality rate 1/7th of those who do not.

  • Studies show that meditating for just 30 minutes per day can boost your mood as much as antidepressants.

  • Older people with positive attitudes have a 23 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 55 percent lower risk from all other causes.

Clearly, your beliefs, thoughts, and intentions have a much stronger affect on your life than your genes do.

Mysteries of Meridian Tapping Technique Finally Revealed?

Energy psychology techniques such as Meridian Tapping Technique (MTT) and acupuncture are powerful therapies that work with your body’s own electromagnetic system to produce healing. I have been a huge fan of MTT for many years.

Epigenetics helps explain why MTT works so well.

MTT has a direct affect on your genes through your body’s energy field, on a cellular level. By altering the signals to your energy meridians, you can directly influence your cells by affecting their genetic expression. In his book, The Genie in Your Genes, Church provides a very compelling and convincing model for how energy medicine works.

Would you be interested in a technique that allows you to positively impact your genes all by yourself, in 40 seconds or less?

That would be MTT.

If your genes are so mutable that they can change from moment to moment in response to your thoughts and feelings, then anything you can do to create a positive feeling state can profoundly, and immediately, improve your health.

Has science finally discovered the link between your body’s energy field (aka, prana or qi) and disease?


In order to answer that question, more research is certainly needed into the connections between thought, quantum physics, energy, consciousness theory, and healing.

This area is one of the hottest topics in science today.

Last year, the National Institutes of Health announced it would invest $190 million to accelerate epigenetic research. The list of illnesses to be studied in the resulting grants reveals the scope of this emerging field: cancer, Alzheimer's disease, autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, asthma, kidney disease, glaucoma, muscular dystrophy and more.

Mind Your Thoughts

Since genetics is now intimately linked to mind and consciousness, the key to healing ultimately lies in controlling your beliefs and emotions.

Bottom line: mind your thoughts!

We’ve always taught our children the importance of controlling their behavior. But maybe it’s time to focus more on teaching them how to control what they think and feel, since beliefs and emotions are what trigger the expression of specific DNA.

Behavior will naturally follow.

Even more importantly, what you think and feel may affect the DNA of your children, your grandchildren, and their children.

I can’t say it better than Dawson Church:

"The code imprinted in our DNA, the one thing we thought was for certain, is just waiting for direction by us to change, creating a civilization that brings health, happiness, and vibrancy in ways in which the current medical establishment only dreams of."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Do you have questions about internet marketing?

When it comes to making your Chiropractic practice a success, you should know that I am here to help you. I have a series of Internet marketing seminars coming up, but I know that there are going to be times and circumstances that will keep you from attending. Luckily, while would be very beneficial, you do not have to attend a seminar to be a success with my help.

If you are interested, however, in attending a seminar, please visit
Catch Fire Seminars for more information, and to sign up.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chiropractic is Health Care, Not Disease Care

by: Herb Newborg, citizen journalist

Chiropractors have, for the past 112 years, treated sickness and infirmity without the use of drugs and with the goal of avoiding surgical removal or repair of any of the body's organs or structures. Chiropractic's message is that the proactive care of one's body and wise lifestyle choices are necessary to achieve health. Chiropractors have held and maintained this view, even before it became fashionable and long before evidence made it clear that the drug and surgery model of "health care" is really nothing more than "disease care", waiting for disease to occur and then treating the effects. Chiropractic takes a preventive approach to health care: eliminate the cause of disease.

Chiropractors have always maintained that interfering with the transmission of the electro-chemical signals that connect your brain, the master control system for the human organism, to every organ and cell in your body has a detrimental effect on health.

This system is so delicate and of such vital importance that the body has designed the most elaborate set of protection, armor if you will, to protect it. The skull is a protective vault that houses and protects the most sensitive of systems: the eyes, the mouth, the ears and most importantly, the brain. The next critical organ in your body, the spinal cord, is guarded by your spine. This masterpiece of engineering is 24 vertebrae, each one a unique bone, that serves not only as the axis of your musculoskeletal system, giving you the unique ability to walk upright, but also has a unique set of nerves that run through it to every other system of the body through individual holes called foramen.

What travels through the spine and the foramen that protect them is the very essence of your being. From your brain, your spinal cord and the millions of nerves that branch out from it are the core from which your body functions. Before you came into the world, you formed a brain and a spinal cord and developed a body around it. And so it is today that the brain regulates the rest of your body through this delicate system of nerves protected by your spine.

Chiropractors maintain the proper position of these delicate joints and the precious cargo which they protect, your nerve system.

Pressure on the root nerves that leave the spine through the foramen to control and regulate all of the other organ systems of the body can affect millions of nerve fibers. Pressure on the brain stem, where it leaves the skull and enters the spine can also affect millions of nerve fibers. Interfering with these nerve fibers can have disastrous affects on your health.

Chiropractors detect and correct the cause of this interference, allowing your body to self regulate, adapt and heal. The care and maintenance of the spine and nervous system is a necessary component of any natural approach to health and wellness.

Chiropractors have been outspoken opponents of water fluoridation, mass vaccination, over-use of prescription drugs, food additives and have always maintained that it is better to find and correct the cause of disease, rather than merely treat or cover up symptoms.

Today, chiropractors embrace and support the growing body of evidence that health is a result of - a fully functioning nerve system, consuming natural, nutrient rich food, clean pure water, proper exercise, natural sleep and emotional/spiritual well being. A healthy spine allows your body to adapt, regulate and fully realize the benefits of all of these other natural methods of avoiding disease and achieving health. See your chiropractor today to have your spine checked and begin to extricate yourself from the disease care system of treating symptoms

Monday, February 15, 2010

Planning on attending the Feb. 20 Seminar?

If you are planning on attending the Feb. 20 "Social Media Training & Internet Marketing Techniques" Seminar, don't forget that if you purchase your reservation by Feb. 19, you will receive an "early bird" special discounted rate. Instead of paying the usual fee of $147, you will only pay $97! Not to mention that if you pre-pay, you will receive *FREE ONE-ON-ONE CONSULTING at seminar!*

Not only that, but just for attending our seminar you will receive...
  • A FREE DVD that will help your practice
  • A FREE SUBSCRIPTION for one month to a marketing newsletter

If you need more information, or so sign up, please visit me at
Catch Fire Seminars. We are going to make a great team!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Baker's Yeast: A Promising, Natural Therapy for Cancer

Posted by: Dr. Mercola

Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum, a researcher at Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, is investigating the potential use of non-pathogenic baker's yeast as a promising, natural therapy for cancer.

For more than two decades, Dr. Ghoneum has pursued a theory that cancer cells self destruct when exposed to small quantities of yeast.

In laboratory tests, Dr. Ghoneum exposed cancer cells to yeast and observed as they ingested the yeast -- through a process known as phagocytosis -- and then died. In later experiments, yeast was injected inside the tumors of mice and, again, he observed a decrease in the size of the tumor mass. Then, in his most recent tests, he examined whether yeast could kill cancer cells in mice that had cancer metastasized to the lung. These tests also showed significant clearance of the cancer cells from the lung.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not quite sure?

Have you been lurking around, checking me out, but not quite sure you want to make that leap yet? One quick and easy way, to get a better feel for what I have to offer you and your practice, would be to sign up for my newsletter. You will receive valuable snippets of information, to help you along your journey to financial freedom within your practice.

Many people who have already signed up for my services, still enjoy this newsletter, just to serve as a reminder when it comes to getting back on track. You will know what to do, but sometimes you have to be guided back to the right path. We all go through that from time to time. I am here to guide you.

To sign up for my newsletter, simply go to CatchFire Coaching, and sign up on the left. You don't know what you are missing, but we are going to make a great team! You will be asking yourself why it was that you waited as long as you did!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Acupuncture found effective against depression during pregnancy

by Vicki Bendure

In a study to be presented today at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine's (SMFM) annual meeting, The Pregnancy Meeting ™, in Chicago, researchers will unveil findings that show that acupuncture may be an effective treatment for depression during pregnancy.

"Depression during pregnancy is an issue of concern because it has negative effects on both the mother and the baby as well as the rest of the family," said Dr. Schnyer, one of the study's authors.

About 10% of pregnant women meet criteria for major depression and almost 20% have increased symptoms of depression during pregnancy. The rates of depression in pregnant women are comparable to rates seen among similarly aged non-pregnant women and among women during the postpartum period, but there are far fewer treatment studies of depression during pregnancy than during the postpartum period.

Dealing with depression is difficult for pregnant women because the use of anti-depressants poses concerns to the developing fetus and women are reluctant to take medications during pregnancy.

In the study, an evaluator-blinded randomized trial, 150 participants who met the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) criteria for Major Depressive Disorder were randomized to receive either acupuncture specific for depression (SPEC, n=52) or one of two active controls: control acupuncture (CTRL, n=49) or massage (MSSG, n=49). Treatments lasted eight weeks (12 sessions). Junior acupuncturists masked to treatment assignment needled participants at points prescribed by senior acupuncturists. Massage therapists and patients were not blinded. The primary outcome was the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, administered by blinded raters at baseline and after four and eight weeks of treatment. Data were analyzed using mixed effects models and by intent-to-treat.

The results showed that the women who received SPEC experienced a significantly greater decrease in depression severity compared to the combined controls or CTRL acupuncture alone . They also had a higher response rate (63.0%) than the combined controls or CTRL acupuncture alone. Symptom reduction and response rates did not differ significantly between controls. Mild and transient side effects were reported by 43/150 participants. Significantly fewer participants reported side-effects in MSSG than the two acupuncture groups.

"The results of our study show that the acupuncture protocol we tested could be a viable treatment option for depression during pregnancy" said Dr. Schnyer.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Social media for chiropractors

Have you ever wondered why it is that the other Chiropractors in your town are doing so much better than you are when it comes to business? Is your sole means of advertising the yellow pages? It's time that you stepped into the Social Media Marketing world of today, and make your practice explode!
Once you have finished watching this video, and can understand more of what I am speaking of, do not hesitate to get in touch with me!
Office (817) 939-8435

Monday, February 8, 2010

Join us for a great day of learning!

Are you ready to have a powerful day with Dr. Chandler George? We will be interacting and learning internet net marketing and how the Social Media sites play into that. We will be covering, Facebook, all blogs, twitter, and dozens of other sites as well as Video SEO.

What to know what is the driver for practices that want more income and patients? If you don't come, you will continue to be frustrated and take years and tens of thousands of dollars, trying to figure this all out on your own. So by coming clarity and income into your practice will be gained.

Kathy Jones will be adding to this with cash action steps that staff must take, a fun and insightful time for staff growth and in support of doctor.

Social Media Training & Internet Marketing Techniques

$97 by Feb. 19, 2010

$147 at the door

February 20, 2010

8:30am to 4:00pm

Irving, TX at the Holiday In Express Hotel

877) 786-9480 333 W John Carpenter Fwy, Irving, TX

Click Here for Map

To make your reservations: CatchFire Coaching

Friday, February 5, 2010

The time has come!

You are among the first to find out about my new newsletter that you can sign up for and have delivered directly to your email box. Simply visit CATCH FIRE COACHING and sign up!

Each and every issue is packed with ideas to ignite your Chiropractic Practice! Don't you think it's time you finally took your practice to the next level? Why shouldn't you benefit from my 20+ years of experience as Chiropractor? If there were lessons to be learned in making a successful business, I learned them the hard way. Now is your opportunity to learn them the quick and easy way!

Once you sign up for my newsletter, you will start receiving up to date information that you can start implementing in your practice. You will even find yourself looking forward to the newest editions simply to get the next bit of advice.

Remember, you can always contact me at CATCH FIRE COACHING, or look into attending a seminar at CATCH FIRE SEMINARS.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Next To Prayer the Most Powerful Healing Technique I Am Aware of

as posted by Dr. Mercola

I think it is important to start out with the understanding that I believe that God is the most potent healing force in the universe and that He has provided us with a powerful inexpensive healing tool that we have available to us at all times. That is a personal two-way communication with Him called prayer.

I am absolutely convinced, without question, that prayer is the most powerful therapeutic move one can do. I generally advise people to journal their prayers. You can do this by writing non-stop for thirty minutes.

You can also type your prayers. It is not important to save the journal. In fact destroying immediately after writing may decrease the fear of not saying what one really wants to for fear of it being found. The healing comes in the writing, not the reviewing of it at a later date.

However, it is my experience that either most people do not use this approach, fail to use it effectively, or their prayers do not result in the healing they seek.

I have learned that one of the most profound healing strategies next to prayer involves normalization of the body's electrical circuitry through testing the muscle strength in response to a challenge that is given to it.

I call this type of therapy muscle reflex testing (MRT), as that is how the treatment is performed. Our therapists generally use muscle strength as a guide to help them identify imbalances in your energy system. Yes, you do have an energy system that is every bit as real as your circulatory, nervous and immune system.

Unfortunately traditional medicine does not fully acknowledge this system and not much "scientific" research has been done on it. How do I know this? Medicine is my passion and my hobby.

I also have been writing an international health newsletter for the last three years. Every week I review several hundred studies that were published, so I am quite familiar with what the current "scientific" understanding of health is.

The information discussed in this paper is probably ten to twenty years away from even being studied in traditional medical circles. You may ask, "why is that?" Most of this results from the fact that the original work was developed in the chiropractic profession.

Although the profession overall does a marvelous job of training clinicians with a mindset towards natural healing methods, they do seem to fall short on publishing generating research in traditional medical journals.

This is also complicated by an intrinsic prejudice that most medical doctors have of chiropractic. They seem to view most of them as quacks who are hurting people more than helping them. Many of these doctors are on the editorial boards of the journals and would not be likely to publish a study, even if it were done properly.

Another issue is that the vast majority of chiropractors are more oriented to the practical aspects of medicine. They are interested in applying the results, not in documenting something they are doing that they know works. I believe this is the major reason that there really are currently no good books about this work.

My Initial Exposure To This Type of Work

Anyway, my journey in this alternative healing strategy began in 1998 when I took a training course in Thought Field Therapy. This course opened my eyes to the incredible healing power that God has provided in our brain and nervous system.

When I was in medical school, I became brainwashed with the drug model and would use them frequently for problems that primarily resulted from emotional wounding.

The drug model has come up with some effective tools in saving people's lives, but in my experience they are nearly always a band-aid and rarely address the central foundational cause of the illness.

These techniques offer a completely different approach to healing. They rely on normalizing the abnormal energy blocks that develop as a result of the wounding that we all go through in life.

These blocks tend to short-circuit the normal energy pathways with which we were born. This short-circuiting frequently results in the chronic health symptoms that most people have.

Muscle Testing

You may have heard of muscle testing before. There are many different forms of muscle testing one can use to achieve these results. It started in the chiropractic profession with Dr. Goodhart who had a technique that is widely used today called Applied Kinesiology. There are many variations that are around today.

The actual specific techniques are not critical but our therapists have taken many of the more effective hybrids of Applied Kinesiology such as Total Body Modification (TBM), Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Applied Psycho Neurobiology (APN), Autonomic Response Testing (ART), Applied Psycho-NeurobiologyPsycho (APN), and Touch for Health. I simplify the naming by just calling it muscle reflex testing.

I once saw a 30 year-old computer engineer who had a meticulously perfect diet and had a chronic rash for ten years. He had spent thousands of dollars on tests and dozens of excellent doctors to try to improve his rash but all had failed.

I performed a test for him that I do for all new patients called autonomic response testing (ART) and within two minutes I found out that his main problem was oatmeal. It turned out he was eating oatmeal for breakfast every morning. Within three days of stopping the oatmeal and doing the other diet recommendations, his rash disappeared. These techniques are absolutely amazing.

How It Works

I really don't understand how this works, but I can offer some suggestions as to speculated mechanisms. The technique's effectiveness seems to be related to using energy reflex points, somewhat similar to acupressure, at specific body sites to neutralize the energy imbalance in the body. There also seems to be a profound normalization that rebalances the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system is frequently referred to as the master regulator of metabolism because it controls all the involuntary activities of the body, all the functions of the body that are not under your conscious control.

This would include functions like your heart rate, digesting, breathing, tissue repair and rebuilding, regulation of your body temperature, immune system and countless other functions. Once the autonomic nervous system is rebalanced and improved, many physical aspects of disease have a corresponding improvement.

Depression and Emotional Illness-Most Common Cause of Disease

In the late 1980s, it became very clear to me that depression and other emotional wounding was the major reason why most people became sick. I can't tell you how delighted I was when Prozac first came out.

I thought it was the magic bullet that would turn everyone's life around. This is because I was still operating under the brain washing I had received in medical school.

Well, we all know that truth eventually rises to the surface. Unfortunately, I did not realize this truth until I had put between one and two thousand people on this drug. I was one of the main users of Prozac, long before it became popular in the media.

If you listen to my audiotapes, you will hear the story of how I eventually came to understand the more basic tenets of natural medicine. But fortunately I did wake up to the fact that antidepressants, while useful for some, are never the long-term solution for these problems.

However, most natural medical doctors have no good tools to address these types of problems. Oh yes, there are many approaches one can have to treat emotional illness.

There are symptomatic band-aids such as natural herbs or supplements such as St. John's wort, L-tryptophan or SAMe. These therapies are clearly safer than drugs, and frequently as effective, but they do not reverse the short-circuiting that resulted in the original symptoms.

Traditional Psychotherapy

When I started my initial energy medicine course work, it became very clear to me that it had incredibly profound healing potential. I started to use some of the techniques, but quickly realized that I would get into emotional wounding issues that I did not feel comfortable in addressing. It became very clear to me that the ideal professional for this work would be a competent psychotherapist.

Many of you may have had less than optimal experiences with therapists in the past, as this is quite common. Like any professional, there are good ones and bad. Like traditional medical physicians, most therapists are using simple cognitive tools that are only symptomatically helpful and rarely address the root causes of disease.

I am relatively prejudiced when it comes to traditional paradigms as I have seen so many thousands of patients who have been wounded by traditional medicine. They have removed millions of gallbladders that should not have been taken out, and millions more of ear tubes that have been inserted when simple dietary changes would have provided nearly instant relief in most all cases.

Many also do not know that the fourth leading cause of death in this country is drugs that doctors legally prescribe. Trailing close behind that are accidental deaths in the hospital.

Fortunately, traditional psychotherapists are not as dangerous as doctors and generally do not cause harm. They frequently are able to help people feel better. But in my experience they rarely provide a permanent resolution of the unresolved psycho-emotional conflict and trauma that cause most chronic physical health complaints by short-circuiting the energy system.

Emotional Wounding

Some of us believe that we can "grow out" of our emotional wounds. I am not so certain. I once saw a 72 year-old woman who could not sleep at night for the last 66 years because of nightmares.

When she was six years old she was several feet away from seeing a criminal shoot the face off of her father's best friend. This trauma stuck with her for 66 years and no therapy had been able to resolve it.

This is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder and the muscle resistance testing worked beautifully to resolve this problem in one visit.

Just like this 72 year-old woman, many of us have been wounded in life. If we are stabbed with a physical knife we can see the wounds and sew them up. But if someone uses an emotional knife to wound us, the wounds are not visible to the naked eye; yet they frequently cause more damage by thoroughly disrupting the energy circuitry in the body.

After working with this program for more than one year, I am convinced that it is one of the most innovative, effective and exciting treatments currently available to improve your health. I have been studying health and medicine for over two decades and I have never seen results so consistently astounding.

Mechanics Of Psycho Emotional Treatments

The treatment sessions are 45 minutes long and generally once a week. There is no contract that is signed and one can attend as many or as few sessions as one sees fit. You determine when or if you want to return, preferably in consultation with the therapist.

Some patients have only required one or two visits, while others, with more deep-seated wounding, require longer treatment. However, you are always in control and if you don't feel you are receiving benefit you can stop the therapy.

I would also appreciate you letting me know of any problems or lack of improvement you might have. The program seems to be consistently effective for most all who are serious about improving their health and committed to change. However, no system is perfect and I am always seeking ways to improve our treatment.


The therapy also works phenomenally well for allergy elimination. For over six years, I performed a very sophisticated, yet effective, form of skin allergy testing called provocation neutralization (PN). The technique generally improved over 80% of our patients. This is in contrast to traditional allergy testing which generally only works on about 25% of patients.

The only problem with the PN testing is that is was time consuming, costly and involved needles. It was not unusual for a course of testing and treatment to cost over $2,000. However, this was still a far better alternative for most of our patients as their quality of life was so much improved, as their chronic illness would get better.

The allergy practice was a very important part of the revenues for my practice. But in January of 2000, I made the decision to stop the testing because in all honesty I could not continue to offer something when I knew I had a better alternative for people, even if meant losing practice income.

I have seen many miracles with the muscle resistance testing. One of our more dramatic examples involved a patient who had been through our PN allergy testing program with only minimal results. She had severe asthma and a life-threatening allergy to latex.

Since she was studying to become a nurse, this presented a major problem in her life, as she would frequently be exposed to latex and wind up in the emergency room very close to death.

In one ten minute treatment, Jody, our main therapist, was able to clear her allergy to latex and she could now be exposed to balloons and latex gloves and be around rooms freshly painted with latex paint without having to run to the emergency room. This treatment profoundly changed this nurse's life.

The Mechanics of Allergy Testing

Our main technique to eliminate and deal with allergies is called Total Body Modification. The technique allows her to generally eliminate three allergens at each visit.

It is advised to not start the work though until one's blood sugar metabolism has been under control for two weeks. If you have been following the diet recommended, this is usually not a problem.

There are generally 12 molds that can be treated, several types of dust, and about half a dozen each of grasses, trees and weeds. One is also invited to bring in samples of dust, molds, etc. from the living environment.

Food Allergies Can Also Be Eliminated.

We have had a fair number of patients who were chemically injured and could only eat several foods without getting sick. The treatments were incredibly effective at removing these allergies. You can bring the foods in to your session and can be neutralize to those foods.

This is a far more sophisticated and effective technique than skin or blood testing which only can diagnose the problem, but are in no way ever effective at eliminating the problem. Additionally, they are generally costly and frequently inaccurate.

The treatment for the allergies is generally permanent unless one develops another unresolved psycho emotional conflict.

Does This Really Work? It Seems Too Good To Be True. What is the Down Side?

I was very skeptical for many years, but seeing is believing which is why I am so excited about this technique.

There are some concerns, but they relate more to the danger of the therapist taking credit for the healing. These techniques are so profoundly effective that some therapists fall into the temptation of letting the patient believe that they are responsible for the healing.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The therapist merely serves to facilitate the self-repair mechanisms that God has given each and every one of us.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No, I'm not only a Social Media Coach

I am also a licensed Chiropractor, and I am here to guide you in
many aspects of the your practice.

Have you been considering adding COLD LASER THERAPY to your practice? You may find this video very interesting. Feel free to pass it along to your staff.

When you are ready, I will be here to help you in the other aspects of your practice: CATCH FIRE COACHING

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6 Essential Reasons Why You Need a Chiropractic Blog

by Dr. Patrick MacNamara

I love the quote by Stephen Covey that says, “Everything is created twice”.

Essentially, what he is saying is that before anything can be physically created, it must be mentally created.

So, let’s say you want to build a new home. What process do you go through to accomplish your goal?

Do you just show up at the construction site and start putting different pieces of material together expecting things to evolve into your dream home?

Of course not!

You first meet with a general contractor and architect to sketch out a floor plan. The floor plan is then created into a blueprint which becomes the primary tool for construction. Simply put, without it your home would never be completed.

The same is true with a business blog. Before you launch it, you must be able to answer the question, “Why blog?”

There are essentially six main reasons why you should blog. But, before we discuss the reasons why, allow me to give credit where credit’s due.

My inspiration for this post came from an exceptional blog post that I read by Chris Garrett titled “How a Blog Can Grow Your Business – Slides + PDF”. For further reading, you can either read his post about the presentation or download his PDF for future reference.

Also, before I step you through the reasons, let’s establish one extremely important concept:

The blog will become the central hub for all of your online communications with both prospects and patients.

Make sure you allow that concept to sink in!

One of your primary goals should be to drive as many people, prospects and patients to your blog through various social media platforms. It will be the central hub for your online business.

Now, let’s take a look at the Six Essential Reasons Why You Should Blog:

Reason #1: ATTRACTING an audience

This should be a no-brainer. If you don’t have an audience online, then you can’t develop the relationships that build trust to convert prospects into quality new patients.

Likewise, there isn’t a better tool currently online that can generate a greater flood of new prospects than a blog if setup and managed properly.

Case in point, Richard Telofski, Principal Consultant of a New Jersey based social media research company, Kahuna Content, says,

“American chiropractors should be jumping en masse into the blog marketing pool, but most won’t even get their feet wet. How do we know this? Because less than one percent of American chiropractors blog and, of those that do, over one-third of chiropractor blogs are inactive and look like sad puppy dogs abandoned by the side of the road. Unfortunately, blogging as a marketing tool is not regarded seriously by America’s chiropractors. In fact, their absence from blogging is just downright astounding.”

It’s astounding because there is a high correlation between the average blog reader and the average chiropractic patient. According to industry statistics, males between the ages of 31 and 50 comprise a high percentage of chiropractic patients and an even higher percentage of blog readers.

Telofski goes on to state, “If this isn’t a perfect demographic alignment between a marketing medium and its target audience, then I don’t know what is. It could be the perfect tool, or the perfect “chiropractic assistant’, yet the opportunity is squandered by America’s chiropractors.”

Reason #2: INFORMING your audience.

You can establish yourself as THE authority within your community simply by informing prospects of the incredible benefits of chiropractic care. If they don’t know what the benefits are, then more than likely they won’t even consider your services.

One major point to remember, though, is that it’s not about you. It’s about them! The way you “inform” them is by tailoring your content around their wants and desires.

Blogging allows the conversation to evolve as you inform and educate people. The conversation produces interaction through the comments section. It’s this interaction you’re looking for to start building relationships.

Reason #3: RETAINING your audience.

It doesn’t make any since to go through the process of attracting and informing your blog audience if you don’t also consider how you’ll retain them. It’s just as important to the growth of your blog as retaining patients is to your practice.

One of the best approaches is to make sure the content you deliver has value to the reader. Successful copywriters will stress that the headline is what draws them in but if you don’t deliver on that fancy headline by providing valuable content, you won’t have people stick around for long.

Since your blog will become the central hub for all of your online communications, a funnel approach to conversion should be established. You can accomplish a great deal toward this goal through auto-responder emails, RSS feeds and social media platforms like Twitter.

Reason #4: ENERGIZING your audience.

I’m reminded of a quote by a personal mentor that states, “Enthusiasm is the yeast that raises the dough. No enthusiasm, no dough!”

In essence what he’s saying is that if you aren’t enthusiastic about what you do and provide for patients, then the money simply doesn’t flow.

Take time to evaluate yourself to determine if you truly are passionate and in love with what you do. If you are, then you will automatically provide over-the-top care and content for your patients.

You have to energize your audience to want more and to participate in the conversation of what you offer. The most effective way to accomplish this is by providing content that solves problems for your prospects and patients.

Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about them. Once you figure out what they want and desire, you can energize them with content that’s specifically targeted toward meeting those wants and desires.

Reason # 5: RECRUITING people.

What does it mean to recruit people?

Basically, it means to call them into action for the benefit of both themselves and you.

Now, obviously, this won’t happen unless you produce valuable content that meets the wants and desires of your prospects. When you accomplish this, you’ll produce “raving fans” for your blog and business.

What is a raving fan?

As Ken Blanchard wrote in his best-selling book Raving Fans, “if you really want to ‘own’ the customer, if you want a booming business, you have to go beyond satisfied customers and create raving fans.”

Having raving fans means that you have achieved the kind of service excellence that turns a customer into a lifetime customer. A raving fan is an advocate of your products or services in the marketplace.

Reason # 6: RESPONDING to people.

Last but certainly not least, you must respond to people. This is not only the essence behind Web 2.0 and its platforms but is also what people expect from business owners and their customer service personnel.

If you remember the internet during the middle 1990s, you’ll recall how web sites were basically online brochures. They had text, possibly an image or two and nothing more. There was no interaction between visitors and the creators of the sites outside of an occasional email.

This all changed with Web 2.0 strategies. Blogging software opened a new era of communication by allowing the visitor to comment and communicate very easily with the creator of the content.

And, now with the emergence of additional Web 2.0 tools, the world of social media has erupted onto the scene. If you simply stand on the sidelines and ignore it, business and customers will pass you by.

In order to be THE chiropractor within your community, you must respond and communicate with your prospects. Its the conversation that builds relationships, relationships that build trust and trust that converts prospects into loyal paying patients.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Did you make it out to the seminar?

If you were unable to come out to the seminar, no need to worry, we have several coming up.

February 20, 2010

Irving, TX at the Holiday In Express Hotel

877) 786-9480 333 W John Carpenter Fwy, Irving, TX

Click Here for Map

March 25, 2010
Austin, TX TBD

April 22, 2010
Tulsa Ok TBD

May 22, 2010
Houston, TX TBD

The tuition for each seminar is $147 at the door, or $97 if purchased using the early bird option. For more information, go to CATCH FIRE SEMINARS.