Monday, February 1, 2010

Did you make it out to the seminar?

If you were unable to come out to the seminar, no need to worry, we have several coming up.

February 20, 2010

Irving, TX at the Holiday In Express Hotel

877) 786-9480 333 W John Carpenter Fwy, Irving, TX

Click Here for Map

March 25, 2010
Austin, TX TBD

April 22, 2010
Tulsa Ok TBD

May 22, 2010
Houston, TX TBD

The tuition for each seminar is $147 at the door, or $97 if purchased using the early bird option. For more information, go to CATCH FIRE SEMINARS.


  1. I didn't make it to this one, but I am looking forward to the one in Feb.

  2. I will see you there!
