Friday, May 28, 2010

The Art of Healing

In this day and age, it is a challenge to find some "quiet" time just for ourselves. We spend so much time working on our careers that doing the "fun" stuff makes us feel guilty. The question is "when did it become okay to overwork, overstress and overachieve all the time?". It seems as though nobody really has an answer for this one.

Look at your own life - are you spending enough time doing the things you truly love doing? Do you spend enough quality time with your family? do you end up feeling guilty all the time because you find yourself caught between advancing your career and attending your child's play?

Unfortunately, you are not alone. It is a challenge to take the time to sit still, calm our minds and our breathing and to gently take the time needed to start healing ourselves - from the inside out. The good news is that it can be done - truly.

By taking the time to "make the time" to do it. Nothing will heal a broken soul faster than love, laughter and a little bit of freedom. Think about it.

If you need help with the business side of your life - we can help. Contact us:


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Communication is the healing touch

Chiropractors hold a deep belief in healing through touch - one on one communication and contact in order to get the flow back into the body.

Really, when you think about it, communication truly is the one way we all "talk to each other" - through a variety of means and ways. Whether it is through a smile or through a touch, we are telling someone about our feelings, thoughts and emotions.

When it comes to running your own business and growing it, the exact same type of principles apply - and through communication techniques, such as social media and marketing, you can get your message out to any target audience you choose.

For more information, please don't hesitate to contact us - we can help you spread the word - one Tweet, Facebook Message or Blog at a time.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

You really don't have to do it by yourself

Many chiropractors are concerned about their time management, feeling as though they have to do it all "by themselves" - meeting with their patients, taking the time to discuss their medical needs, treating them as well as all of the "business" transactions that go with running a practice.

Hiring, training, doing all that dreaded paperwork, managing the staff, making financial decisions, keeping the books straight and oh yes! finding some quality downtime to spend time with family and friends - all of it can be daunting and challenging.

The good news! you don't have to do by yourself - we are here to help you. Thanks to our many, many years of hands on experience in the medical field, we know what you are facing and have an answer that will work for you.

Don't hesitate to contact us:


We are endorsed by the best

We have one goal at Catchfire Coaching - to help you get to where you want to be.

YOU are the most important person to us and we strive to listen to what you are saying, but we also hear what you are not saying.

Sometimes, you might have a general idea of what it is that you want to accomplish with your practice - but are at odds as to how to get there - this is where we come in.

Through one on one coaching on sound business principles such as marketing techniques and how to best use them to your advantage, we can help you refine your business plan - to get you to the top of your game.

In fact, we have done just that for many, many chiropractors as well as other professionals - who are now proud to endorse our business.

We invite you to view this short video for more information.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting THAT edge

As a busy profesisonal, you are, no doubt, wondering how you can do it all. Between treating your patients (always a number one priority of course) and dealing with the business side - time is in limited supply, especially, if your goal is to expand and grow your business.

What you need is "an edge" something that will truly make you very distinct from everyone else - you need to stand out! We are there to help you achieve each and every goal you have set out for yourself and your business.

Putting all the business tools in your toolbox is the best business decision you can make! and we can make it all happen for you.


Friday, May 21, 2010

How do you incorporate business with healing?

One of the questions we often hear is "how can I make make business grow, without jeopardizing the "health and healing aspect" of the practice?

This is an excellent question, and one that clearly shows that for many chiropractors, the health and well being of their patients is always a number one priority.

However, in order to keep healing, the "business side" must also keep growing -you cannot really have one without the other.

Of course, there are some things that can be done to help give structure to your business, but is it really enought?

Thanks to our coaching techniques, we can help you make all the pieces fit in - so that you never feel as though you are taking anything away from your patients - all the while, getting your business plan in place through marketing measures that will simply make your business explode.

Don't hesitate to contact us - we can help.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

WE are everywhere - thanks to technology

For many chiropractors, looking to someone who is situated locally, for help with both social media and marketing techniques is probably a natural inclination.

The good news is that you can certainly broaden your horizons and hire - just about anyone, located anywhere in the US, thanks to technology. In fact, it may just be an excellent idea to hire "the best" instead of "the one that is closest".

Fortunately, through social media tools, we can be there for you - every step of the way. Giving you all the assistance and support you need when it comes to getting that marketing edge. In fact, we will even give you one on one training on every social media tool out there - making it that much easier to stay in close contact with your entire network of professionals, suppliers, patients and various other contacts.

It really is that simple, so why not visit us at:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don't just take our word for it!

At Catchfirecoaching, our goal is to assist each and every practitioner in growing their business.

We do this through a variety of ways, including one on one coaching, as well as by presenting seminars and events that offer the most comprehensive, user friendly and "hands on" learning experiences available anywhere!

In fact, we recently hosted a 2 day event on the importance of social media and marketing techniques and we are pleased to say that it was a complete success - thanks to you!!!

But don't take our word for it, one of our attendees, Dr. Howard Hornsby speaks out.

Contact us for more information on how we can help you -


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We can help you explode your business!

What is coaching? and more specifically - what is social media and marketing techniques coaching?

Basically, coaching is about mentoring and passing along acquired knowledge on a certain industry, product or service.

Of course, any business person knows that, in order to grow your business, you must focus on a few very key components and one of them is "marketing". However, for many, this important business tool is often misunderstood and incorrectly used - turning a wonderful business opportunity into a waste of money.

Combining marketing techniques with social media is certainly the way to go for the 21st century. nothing has proven to be more efficient and, if you are goal oriented, you will be happy to hear that these methods produce results.

We can help you pull it all together - to create a marketing plan that will simply explode your business.

Contact us - we can tell you how.


Monday, May 17, 2010

KNOWING the business from the inside out

Finding the right person to help you grow your business, through social media and marketing techniques can be tricky - especially since there are quite a few of us out there! practicing this very type of business.

So, how can you make sure to choose the right representative? the one that can best help you get to where you need to be?

The answer is simple - by making sure that you work with someone who "has been there" and "done that".

As a chiropractor, you are definitely in a highly specialized field, which requires its own brand of marketing and its own social media needs. Nobody, absolutely nobody can better understand this than a fellow chiropractor who has had his own practice and has extensive experience managing his own team of medical and non medical staff.

Sure, you could hire the services of some young professional, straight out of business school - but really - is that in your best interest?

If you would like to discuss our services more in detail, please contact us at CATCHFIRE COACHING

We understand YOUR business.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Giving BACK and Helping You Through Our Newest EVENT

We are happy to work together with you to make your business grow and reach the heights you have always envisioned!

In fact, we are hosting, on May 15 and 16, 2010 an event that you cannot miss!


In fact, as our way of giving back to you - we have opened our doors to all chiropractic students - and are inviting each and every one of them to join us, FREE OF CHARGE, for the all day event of May 16, 2010.

Our goal is to help you - in anyway that we can. Together we can make it happen!

Contact us for more information at For more information, please visit: CATCHFIRE COACHING

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Contact us for your FREE reports on how To Grow and Explode your Business

We are happy to invite you to contact us at 817-939-8435. We have prepared a report, that we will send you, free of charge, entitled: How to Grow and Explode your Business. This document has been created for professionals in the chiropractic field, who wish to expand their marketing, through social media and other Internet marketing techniques.

Once you have read our report, we can guarantee you that you will want to "dive" right in - and we can make that happen for you - quickly and efficiently.

If you want to stand out and make "your" practice the one with the reputation that everyone else would kill for - then you have come to the right place.

For more information, please visit:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We are thrilled to invite you to our newest Event - entitled:


Date: May 15&16, 2010

Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location: Irving/Dallas, Texas

We are proud to invite ALL chiropractic students, from any chiro college, to join us, FREE of CHARGE, on May 16, 2010!

Take advantage of this free day to discover how you can build and create your own practice through marketing and social media.

For more information, please visit:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Best Practices to Make your Practice Stand out

As you (hopefully) continue to grow your business, you will see a bigger and bigger need for the implementation of Best Practices.

What is a "best practice" you might ask? Well, according to Wikipedia:

A best practice is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive, or reward that is believed to be more effective at delivering a particular outcome.

We can help you source out and create these new Best Practices, through a series of discussions and analysis!

We exist to make your professional life easier - so why not contact us to find out more.


Monday, May 10, 2010


As a chiropractic practicioneer, you want to get the word out about your services and products and the best to do so is through Social Media and, more specifically the GOOGLE search engine.

It is truly amazing to note just how many people automatically go to "Google" as their first and ONLY seach tool - so, it makes sense that you will your practice to be the first to appear under the SEO organic search.

We can help you get there -and stay at the top. Google is one of the most effective and affordable ways to grow your business, in a totally professional manner. In fact, getting known, through Google, will almost always ensure substantial numbers of patients, that will all, in turn, spread the word.

Contact us to get more info - we will be happy to get you to number 1.


Friday, May 7, 2010

MAY Event - Don't Miss It!

We are, once again, thrilled to be offering an event that has been specifically designed to help you grow your business - SOCIAL MEDIA TRAINING & INTERNET MARKETING TECHNIQUES has been created with your needs and requirements in mind - we WILL give you all the necessary information you are searching for and we will gladly answer any of your questions!

So, make a note - don't miss it.

Date: May 15-16, 2010

Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location: Irving/Dallas, Tx.

Click here for more information - we would love to see you there!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

It is ALL about return on your invesment

Social media marketing training and coaching - sounds expensive doesn't it? The reality, however, is quite different.

In fact, we can tell you that you cannot afford NOT to consider this type of service if you hope to increase your business, all the while keeping your patients happy and healthy.

Let's face it - your first priority is to heal. This is why you went to school and this is what you have dedicated your life to. If you happen to be a great "entrepreneur" as well - then, that is a bonus! However, in most cases, doctors, such as yourself, need help when it comes to discovering what kind of tools are out there to make your practice "all that it can be".

As for the cost - you might be extremely pleasantly surprised. So, contact us to get more information, we will be happy to discuss our services, as well as our low prices.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You are Cordially Invited to My Social Media Training & Internet Marketing Techniques Seminar

I am thrilled to announce that we are, once again, offering our popular Social Media Training & Internet Marketing Techniques seminar!

You will learn all the information, tips and "insider" information that you will need to make sure your practice continues to grow.

This seminar is geared towards the importance of social media and internet marketing for professionals! We will also be answering all your questions - so don't hesitate to make a list of any you may have.

Date: Saturday, May 15 and Sunday, May 16, 2010

Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location: Irving/Dallas, Texas

for more information.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Finding Your OWN Niche

Many doctors have asked me "what is social media marketing?" - and the quick answer is - developing methods of communication, that were not possible or even considered, just a few years ago, in order to reach out to people across the world.

Social media marketing can help you spread the word, can help you make sure that people in the US and elsewhere are aware of who you are and how great your services are.

Amazingly, just a decade ago, most of the social media tools we now currently use, and, in many cases, take for granted did not even exist - our job is to help you utilize these tools to your advantage, but also to make sure that you are always on the wave of new technology -ready and willing to discover new methods of marketing that will help you create the business or practice you have always dreamed of.

Contact us, we will be happy to talk with you in more detail: CATCHFIRE COACHING

Monday, May 3, 2010

Creating the Relationships That You Need - Through Social Media

Life is moving quickly - in fact, just a few decades ago, the "blueprint" for becoming a successful chiropractor and enjoying a thriving practice was substantially different than it is today.

The reality is that being the best chiropractor in the world is simply not enough to make sure that your practice grows and continues to grow. In fact, reaching out to new patients or even existing ones is about building relationships - and, in 2010, this means getting current and riding the continuous wave of social media changes that seem to be happening ever so quickly.

Social media marketing can help you develop and buildt your relationships - in short, we can help you "grow with the times".

Whether you are considering phone apps, Facebook. blogging, Twitter or any other type of social connection - we can make it happen.

So, why not contact us and find out how to get "on top" of the ever growing social media wave.