Monday, September 28, 2009

Social Networking to Build your Brand

While you may not be a brand like Pepsi or Wal-Mart you are still branding yourself, and your expertise. Social networking can help you get the word out about the service yo are offering. Sites like Facebook and Twitter give you a platform to market your business.

If you are still fighting jumping on the social networking bandwagon you are missing out on potential customers. People like seeing businesses on these sites. They like sharing their opinions of businesses on social networking sites. Think of it this way it is free advertisement for your business.

You need to understand a few things about how social networking sites work. You can't just make a page and start posting ads for your company. People will see this as spam and not pay any attention. You need to develop a relationship with your followers or friends. You have to take the time to interact within the social community.

Start by making your page. Facebook and Twitter are among the largest social networking sites right now. Don't start befriending everyone you see. You want people that are going to be interested in what you do. Join a few groups that are related to your business.

Once you have some followers you will need to keep them interested in what you have to say. Don't keep posting ad after ad. Share information that is valuable. If you are a computer technician share tips on how people can prevent their computer from crashing, or share simple repair tips. You don't want to tell them how to do everything for themselves or you will be out of a job. Share enough to keep them coming back for more. Share things that make people want to talk about you with their friends.

It is fine to post an occasional ad for your business. It is great to advertise special offers or functions your business may be having. Just don't go overboard with the promotional efforts or you'll be wasting your time. People will not care what you have to say, they will consider you spam.

I would suggest you begin using social marketing right away. You don't want to miss out on potential customers because you were behind the times.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't build your brand you are going to fail in an economy like we have today.
