Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Putting your Goals Into Action Step 1: Where are you Beginning From?

Last week we discussed what characteristics goals need to have. Today we are going to discuss what you do after you have your goals. We are going to look at putting your goals into action.

Now that you have figured out your goals for your business, it is time to begin working on them. The first step is to see where you are at currently with each goal. You can't move forward if you don't know where you are beginning from.

Examine what you are doing now that is helping you get towards your goal. The things that are helping you will keep doing. Next look at the things you are doing that are not helping you reach your goals. These are the things we will need to make changes to.

Write down the steps you are taking to reach your goals. Seeing them in black and white can be very eye opening. Make notes next to the steps of what is working and what is not working. Write down your ideas for improving the actions you are taking to reach your goals.

Tomorrow we will discuss what is stopping you from being able to reach your goals.

1 comment:

  1. Writing down my goals and seeing them on paper was the turning point for me. I was able to actually get organized and focused on working towards my goals.
