Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Putting your Goals into Action Step 2: What is Holding you Back

Yesterday we discussed the first steps of putting your goals into action. We talked about figuring out where you are right now in regards to reaching your goals. Today we are going to discuss what is keeping you from reaching your goal.

How many times have you said to yourself “I could be doing this, if only “? It's the “if only” that can hold you back. Instead of saying “if only” say “I am going to do this”. The attitude you have can keep you from being able to reach your goals. Your attitude needs to be set on reaching your goals no matter what it takes.

The hardest step in reaching your goals can be getting started. It might seem overwhelming at first. The longer you put off starting towards your goals the longer it will take to conquer them. Just decide that you are going to get busy. Don't keep letting day after day go by. Make today they day you begin on your journey to your goals.

Find what is holding you back, and then find a way around the obstacle. If it is time, look at your schedule and make the time available. If it is money, see where you can cut costs in other areas. If it is the know how, find someone who can help you.

There is always going to be obstacle in our way. What determines if you will be successful in reaching your goals is how you deal with them. Are you going to let them stop you from getting to your goal, or are you going to do whatever is necessary to overcome the obstacle and succeed? The choice is up to you.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie D.October 16, 2009

    I think admitting you are doing somthing that isn't working can behard for some people. Great information.
